Revere AmericaRevere America is a new organization dedicated to advancing common sense public policies rooted in our traditions of freedom and free markets that will once again make America secure and prosperous for generations to come.http://RevereAmerica.orgRepeal and Replace Must-Reads: July 27, 2011(July 27, 2011) Voters will soon get the chance to decide whether or not Ohio may opt out of the national health care overhaul. and Replace Must-Reads: July 22, 2011(July 22, 2011) A major provision of the healthcare reform law could inadvertently leave families without access to subsidized health insurance. and Replace Must-Reads: July 18, 2011(July 18, 2011) An independent panel authorized by President Barack Obama’s health care law to control excessive Medicare cost increases is drawing heavy fire from Republicans. Shocking Stats(July 15, 2011) We wanted to point out this great infographic that lays out some of the major problems with Obamacare. a Reminder…(July 14, 2011) As the debt ceiling conversations continue, Americans should keep in mind that federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid totaled $739 billion in 2010.….aspxWelcome 12, 2011) offers visitors multiple ways to join the health-law repeal movement and make their voices heard. how many different tax increases exist in Obamacare?(July 7, 2011) Americans for Tax Reform took the time to go through the law and count up all the hidden taxes in it. And the results are eye opening. and Replace Must-Reads: July 7, 2011(July 7, 2011) Opponents of the new federal health care overhaul are one step closer to having voters in Ohio decide whether the state constitution should be amended. and Replace Must-Reads: July 1, 2011(July 1, 2011) State insurance commissioners should support federal legislation protecting agents and brokers from the healthcare reform law, a task force voted Thursday. America endorses letter calling for IPAB Repeal(July 30, 2011) Today, we’re happy to announce that Revere America has endorsed a letter that calls on Congress to repeal the IPAB provision of Obamacare. New Court Decision on Individual Mandate(June 30, 2011) The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the individual mandate portion of Obamacare is “a valid exercise of Congress’s authority under the Commerce Clause.” and Replace Must-Reads: June 27, 2011(June 27, 2011) A broad coalition of healthcare stakeholders lent their support Friday to repealing a controversial cost-cutting panel established under healthcare reform. Good Reason to Stop Implementation(June 23, 2011) With the passage of Obamacare, Washington tried to fix a real problem. Unfortunately, they made it worse. and Replace Must-Reads: June 23, 2011(June 23, 2011) Some congressional Republicans are switching gears and making the case that President Obama has a horrifying plan that will deny seniors the care they need. and Replace Must-Reads: June 22, 2011(June 22, 2011) Five million people will eventually ask for waivers from part of the healthcare reform law, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) predicted Tuesday. and Replace Must-Reads: June 21, 2011(June 21, 2011) The debate over the effects of the federal health care law on employer-provided insurance has been intensifying in recent weeks. General: Want out of the individual mandate? Earn less money(June 21, 2011) This article in the Washington Examiner’s blog is a fascinating look inside the court challenges to Washington's health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: June 20, 2011(June 20, 2011) The Obama administration said Friday that it was shutting down a program that had provided exemptions from the new health care law. 30% of employers will stop offering health care coverage (June 20, 2011) According to a recent survey, 30% of companies say they will stop offering employer-sponsored health care coverage once provisions of the health care reform law begin in 2014. and Replace Must-Reads: June 9, 2011(June 9, 2011) Regarding the Obama health care law, a panel of appellate judges grappled Wednesday with the essential quandary of the case. and Replace Must-Reads: June 8, 2011(June 8, 2011) The latest round in the ongoing fight over President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul is being heard Wednesday in the federal appeals court in Atlanta. and Replace Must-Reads: June 7, 2011(June 7, 2011) The legal battle over healthcare reform’s coverage mandate is often portrayed as a battle between states and the federal government. and Replace Must-Reads: June 3, 2011(June 3, 2011) All three parties in Virginia suits over United States health care law agree appeals court has jurisdiction. and Replace Must-Reads: June 2, 2011(June 2, 2011) A panel of federal appellate judges seemed eager on Wednesday to rule on whether the Obama health care law is constitutional. Ryan’s Second Video Explains Medicare(June 1, 2011) Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) uses animated graphics to explain how Medicare works, why it’s on a path to failure, and how he proposes to fix it.’s-Second-Video-Explains-Medicare.aspxSenator Kyl and Small Business Health Relief(May 31, 2011) Kyl’s “Small Business Health Relief Act” aims to lower health insurance premiums by repealing fees placed on insurance companies by the health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: May 31, 2011(May 31, 2011) Jann DeMars is suing the federal government, arguing that she doesn’t make enough money to be able to meet the health care overhaul’s requirement to buy insurance. and Replace Must-Reads: May 26, 2011(May 26, 2011) The Obama administration can expect tough questioning from the three appeals judges chosen Wednesday to hear the multi-state challenge to the healthcare reform law. Senators Weigh In On Lawsuit(May 25, 2011) Recently, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and 43 other Republican Senators filed an amicus brief in the legal challenge to the current health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: May 20, 2011(May 20, 2011) House Republicans next week plan to approve another bill targeting the automatic federal funding of healthcare programs. Paul Ryan on Health Care Reform and the Economy(May 19, 2011) Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently gave a key economic speech that outlined the threats to the American economy and how he believes we should address them. and Replace Must-Reads: May 19, 2011(May 19, 2011) Oklahoma and Tennessee moved forward Wednesday on the healthcare “compact” that some states are pursuing as a challenge to the healthcare reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: May 16, 2011(May 16, 2011) The Health and Human Services Department will let two more states — Nevada and New Hampshire — phase in healthcare reform rules that govern insurers' spending. and Replace Must-Reads: May 13, 2011(May 13, 2011) A House subcommittee voted Thursday to let states cut their Medicaid rolls despite unified Democratic opposition and amendments designed to highlight the bill’s potential effect on children and the elderly. and Replace Must-Reads: May 11, 2011(May 11, 2011) A pair of Energy and Commerce Republicans voiced support Tuesday for a new strategy to force Democrats to defend every new fee and tax that pays for the healthcare reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: May 10, 2011(May 10, 2011) President Barack Obama nominated two of the three federal appeals court judges who will rule on the constitutionality of his signature legislative achievement, the health reform law. IPAB Primer(May 10, 2011) The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), has been drawing attention recently. And the closer you look at it, the more troublesome it becomes. and Replace Must-Reads: May 9, 2011(May 9, 2011) A five-week flurry of federal appellate hearings on the constitutionality of the Obama health care law kicks off Tuesday. Release: Online Video Contest Asks “What Do You Love About America?”(May 5, 2011) announced a national video contest today asking citizens to respond to the question “What do you love about America?”“What-Do-You-Love-About-America-”.aspxRepeal and Replace Must-Reads: May 5, 2011(May 5, 2011) The House has voted to block money for a program in last year’s health care law providing for construction of school-based health centers. Important Point from Eric Cantor(May 5, 2011) In a recent speech, Rep. Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, discussed how the health care reform law passed last year is likely to bankrupt America. and Replace Must-Reads: May 4, 2011(May 4, 2011) Republicans insist the health care repeal effort hasn’t jumped the shark — but even they admit the bills they’re pushing through the House Tuesday aren’t exactly the biggest repeal votes they’ve taken. Griffith Ads Cost Taxpayers $3.66 million(May 4, 2011) Three health care ads with Mr. Griffith cost taxpayers a total of $3.66 million, according to documents uncovered as part of the Wikicountability project. and Replace Must-Reads: May 3, 2011(May 3, 2011) President Obama on Monday threatened to veto legislation that would eliminate grants to help states establish the insurance exchanges created by the healthcare reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: May 2, 2011(May 2, 2011) Former President Bill Clinton remarks that on the whole, the healthcare bill will stay intact. Court Punts on Health Care Reform(April 29, 2011) Earlier this week, the Supreme Court chose not to get involved in Washington’s massive health care reform law. At least not yet. and Replace Must-Reads: April 26, 2011(April 26, 2011) The Supreme Court on Monday turned back an unusual request from Virginia to put the state’s challenge to the new federal health care law on a fast track. Elaborate House of Cards(April 22, 2011) Recently, President Obama signed into law the repeal of the 1099 provision of Washington’s massive health care reform law. Foundry: Medicare Cuts May Not Happen, Further Increasing the Cost of Health Care Reform(April 20, 2011) The Foundry warns that lawmakers are losing their political will to follow through on cuts to Medicare included in Washington’s massive health care reform law.’s Democratic AG Opposes Health Care Law(April 19, 2011) Missouri’s Democratic Attorney General, Chris Koster filed a brief last week opposing Washington’s massive health care reform law.’s-Democratic-AG-Opposes-Health-Care-Law.aspxRepeal and Replace Must-Reads: April 19, 2011(April 19, 2011) The Supreme Court has not acted on a request to expedite a review of legal challenges to the healthcare reform law. Political Roads Run Through Health Care Reform(April 18, 2011) Recently, the push to repeal Washington’s massive health care reform law found itself in a surprising place. and Replace Must-Reads: April 18, 2011(April 18, 2011) Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.) on Friday urged lawmakers to repeal a controversial provision of the healthcare reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: April 14, 2011(April 14, 2011) The House on Wednesday voted to terminate another piece of last year's healthcare law — the Prevention and Public Health Fund. and Replace Must-Reads: April 12, 2011(April 12, 2011) The battles over the fiscal 2011 and 2012 budgets are the center of attention this week on the Hill. and Replace Must-Reads: April 11, 2011(April 11, 2011) Rep. Paul Ryan was vowing to slash Medicaid in his 2012 budget proposal, the administration strategists explained, and they wanted to have a powerful response ready. deal includes Senate vote on Health Care(April 10, 2011) The budget deal reached late Friday night to keep the government operating included a provision that the Senate vote on repeal of Washington’s massive health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: April 8, 2011(April 8, 2011) Implementation of the health reform law will not stop if there is a government shutdown, an HHS official says. and Replace Must-Reads: April 7, 2011(April 7, 2011) The fight over a bill to fund the government through 2011 is the last chance this year to block major funding for Democrats’ 2010 healthcare law. Ryan, the Deficit and Health Care Reform(April 7, 2011) Rep. Paul Ryan introduced a budget proposed by Republicans that would shrink the federal deficit from $995 billion in 2012 to $385 billion by 2021. and Replace Must-Reads: April 6, 2011(April 6, 2011) Congress sent the White House its first rollback of the new health care law on Tuesday. and Replace Must-Reads: April 5, 2011(April 5, 2011) Congress is poised to send the White House its first rollback of last year’s health care law. and Replace Must-Reads: April 4, 2011(April 4, 2011) The number of waivers the Obama administration has awarded for a provision of the year-old healthcare reform law grew by 128 in March. and Replace Must-Reads: March 31, 2011(March 31, 2011) A handful of House Republicans, looking for a new, powerful chip in their efforts to derail the healthcare reform law, are introducing a bill that would block more than $100 billion of long-term spending authorized by the overhaul. Vault: One Year of Health Care Reform(March 30, 2011) The folks at Rasmussen summarized their numbers after 54 weeks of polling on Washington’s massive health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 30, 2011(March 30, 2011) A group of more than 250 trade associations are backing a senator’s plan to halt healthcare reform implementation until legal challenges are completely settled. Lamar Alexander on Health Care Reform(March 29, 2011) Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) has written a great article marking the one year anniversary of Washington’s Massive Health Care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 29, 2011(March 29, 2011) Virginia’s attorney general has filed additional court papers arguing that the Obama administration’s health care reform law is unconstitutional. and Replace Must-Reads: March 28, 2011(March 28, 2011) Healthcare experts have proposed an array of alternatives to the reform law's individual mandate in case it gets repealed or struck down by the Supreme Court. and Replace Must-Reads: March 25, 2011(March 25, 2011) Democrats believe the Republican candidates might be forced to push so hard for repeal that they lose swing voters. Ground(March 24, 2011) In Rep. Dan Boren's article, he explains his vote to repeal Washington’s massive health care reform law earlier this year. and Replace Must-Reads: March 24, 2011(March 24, 2011) Republicans remain united in their desire to defund healthcare reform despite a public split over stopgap budget bills that contain money for implementation. Year: By the Numbers(March 23, 2011) As of today, it has been one year since Congress passed the massive health care reform law. We took a look at some of the numbers behind the issue. Fear Loss of Freedom on Anniversary of Health Care Reform Law(March 23, 2011) Revere America warned today that a majority of voters see the health care reform law as a threat to their freedom. and Replace Must-Reads: March 23, 2011(March 23, 2011) The battle over healthcare has barely slowed down one year to the day after President Obama signed the 2,700-page bill into law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 22, 2011(March 22, 2011) A House appropriator wants to know if any Democrats knew a new long-term-care insurance program created by healthcare reform was unsustainable. and Replace Must-Reads: March 21, 2011(March 21, 2011) A year after President Barack Obama signed his health care overhaul, the law remains so divisive that Americans can't even agree on what to call it. and Replace Must-Reads: March 18, 2011(March 18, 2011) A bipartisan proposal to let states opt out of provisions of the healthcare law in 2014 won't provide states flexibility. McConnell Marks One-Year Anniversary(March 17, 2011) On Thursday, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) took to the floor to commemorate the passage of Washington’s massive health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 17, 2011(March 17, 2011) Sen. Orrin Hatch says there are too many problems with the health care law to fix it, and he doesn’t rule out an all-out push to repeal or defund the law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 16, 2011(March 16, 2011) We are one year removed from the passage of the Affordable Care Act and nearly two months past a vote in the House to repeal it. and Replace Must-Reads: March 15, 2011(March 15, 2011) Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) called on House Republicans to embrace a “mice or men moment” and reject a three-week budget stopgap. and Replace Must-Reads: March 14, 2011(March 14, 2011) A year after the health care overhaul’s historic passage amid a volatile political debate, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is still under siege. and Sour(March 11, 2011) Throughout the day, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) posted problems with Washington’s massive health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 10, 2011(March 10, 2011) Taking a new approach for halting healthcare reform funds, House Republicans on Wednesday slammed the law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 9, 2011(March 9, 2011) The Justice Department filed notice on Tuesday that it was appealing a decision by a federal judge in Florida who struck down the new health care law. America Releases Poll Results – Americans Favor Repeal(March 8, 2011) At a press event earlier today, Revere America released the results of a poll conducted late last month regarding the health care law.–-Americans-Favor-Repeal.aspxPress Release: Poll Shows Most Americans Still Support Health Care Law Repeal(March 8, 2011) Revere America announces the results of a national poll that shows that most Americans continue to oppose the new health care law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 8, 2011(March 8, 2011) Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans identified on Monday five provisions of the healthcare reform law that they want to defund. to Exemptions(March 8, 2011) According to an article in The Hill, 1040 waivers to Washington's massive health care reform law have been granted. the 1099 provision of health care reform(March 7, 2011) While the battle to repeal the health care law rages in the courts, parallel efforts are underway to strip the bill of one of its more offensive provisions. and Replace Must-Reads: March 7, 2011(March 7, 2011) Lawmakers have two weeks to come up with a spending bill, and healthcare will hold a prominent role in those difficult negotiations. and Replace Must-Reads: March 4, 2011(March 4, 2011) A federal judge in Florida stayed his own ruling against the Obama health care law on Thursday. and Replace Must-Reads: March 2, 2011(March 2, 2011) The House moved a step closer Tuesday to repealing the 1099 provision included in the healthcare law. and Replace Must-Reads: March 1, 2011(March 1, 2011) President Obama backs easing state health law mandates while his administration defends health care reform in court. and Replace Must-Reads: February 28, 2011(February 28, 2011) Republican lawmakers in at least 11 states are turning to a centuries-old and rarely used tactic in an effort to wrest power from the federal government. and Replace Must-Reads: February 24, 2011(February 24, 2011) New comments from the states come after the Obama administration asked a judge to clarify ruling that struck down reforms. Rick Scott Stops Health Care Reform(February 24, 2011) Governor of Florida, Rick Scott (R) stopped the implementation of Washington’s health care reform in his state. Governor Refuses Money from Health Care Reform(February 23, 2011) Sean Parnell, the Republican Governor of Alaska, has refused money allotted to his state as part of Washington’s massive health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: February 23, 2011(February 23, 2011) A third federal judge upheld the constitutionality of the Obama health care law on Tuesday. and Replace Must-Reads: February 22, 2011(February 22, 2011) With battles over the president's signature health legislation underway in the courts and on Capitol Hill, a third line of attack is forming in the states. and Replace Must-Reads: February 18, 2011(February 18, 2011) House Republicans begin efforts to defund health-care overhaul and the 1099 tax-reporting repeal sent to the floor. Vault(February 18, 2011) There’s a debate underway about health care polls and what they’ve been saying about public support for de-funding Washington’s massive health care reform. and Replace Must-Reads: February 17, 2011(February 17, 2011) Congress relitigates healthcare reform at oversight hearing and the House Judiciary approves tort reform. Mayor Bloomberg says health care law will bankrupt us(February 16, 2011) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks candidly about Washington’s massive health care reform law. and Replace Must-Reads: February 16, 2011(February 16, 2011) Just after the health care law passed, conservatives quickly coalesced around the Utah Health Exchange as the best-case scenario for implementing the new law. and Replace Must-Reads: February 15, 2011(February 15, 2011) House Republicans refused to grant a waiver for the consideration of an amendment to the 2011 funding bill. Hutchison’s “Save our States Act”(February 15, 2011) Recently, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) introduced a bill that would delay the implementation of Washington’s massive health care reform bill.’s-“Save-our-States-Act”.aspxRepeal and Replace Must-Reads: February 14, 2011(February 14, 2011) House Republicans are proposing to starve the Democrats’ signature health care overhaul law. and Replace Must-Reads: February 11, 2011(February 11, 2011) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) vowed to continue the fight to repeal healthcare reform Thursday in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. and Replace Must-Reads: February 10, 2011(February 10, 2011) Catch up with the latest health care news with today's must-reads. Proof of What America Wants(February 10, 2011) Time and time again, we’ve pointed out how polling indicates that the American people want Washington to repeal and replace the massive health care reform bill passed last year. and Replace Must-Reads: February 9, 2011(February 9, 2011) Today's edition details House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Ohio's fight against the health care law. and Replace Must-Reads: February 8, 2011(February 8, 2011) Republican governors pressed HHS on Monday to hand over to the states major components of its authority under health reform. and Replace Must-Reads: February 7, 2011(February 7, 2011) Unless you're in favor of a fully nationalized health-care system, the president's health-care reform law is a massive mistake. and Replace Must-Reads: February 4, 2011(February 4, 2011) Get informed about current health care reform news with the articles listed in our new Repeal and Replace Must-Reads feature. Small Step Forward and a Missed Opportunity(February 3, 2011) Yesterday was a big day in the debate over health care reform. In about a day, three reform options were proposed, debated and voted on. Release: Senate Repeal UPDATE(February 2, 2011) The Senate today is debating the FAA reauthorization bill and the two health care-related amendments. Release: Revere America’s Letter to the Senate(February 2, 2011) Marianne Zuk, President and Chief Executive Officer of Revere America sent the following letter to Members of Congress in support of the McConnell amendment’s-Letter-to-the-Senate.aspxRevere America’s Honorary Chairman George Pataki Steps Down(February 1, 2011) Revere America has announced that former Governor George E. Pataki of New York is stepping down from his position as honorary chairman.’s-Honorary-Chairman-George-Pataki-Steps-Down.aspxRevere America Applauds Florida Judge's Ruling Against Mandated Insurance(January 31, 2011) U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled Monday that the individual mandate to buy insurance is unconstitutional. of the Union mentions, but offers little for Health Care(January 27, 2011) If our Facebook comments are any indication, a lot of readers were skeptical of the State of the Union, to say the least. Skepticism(January 26, 2011) Just like prescription drugs, the health care reform debate has had its own set of side effects. Release: Revere America Files Brief Attacking Health Law(January 25, 2011) Revere America filed a brief to challenge the new law’s mandate that all individuals purchase private health insurance or pay the government a penalty for not doing so. Votes To Repeal(January 20, 2011) As expected, the House of Representatives voted last night to repeal Washington’s big health care reform bill. America’s letter to Speaker Boehner(January 19, 2011) On Tuesday, former Governor of New York and Honorary Chairman of Revere America George Pataki sent a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner on behalf of Revere America and its members.’s-letter-to-Speaker-Boehner.aspxPress Release: Revere America’s Letter to Congress(January 19, 2011) Marianne Zuk, President and Chief Executive Officer of Revere America sent the following letter to Members of Congress’s-Letter-to-Congress.aspxThe Starting Line(January 19, 2011) The Wall Street Journal has a great article that lays out the different efforts underway in both the House and Senate to repeal and fix health care reform. Release: Revere America Urges Congress to To Repeal Health Care Law(January 18, 2011) Former New York Governor George E. Pataki, Honorary Chairman of Revere America, called for swift, bipartisan action to repeal the health care law enacted last year Vote Rescheduled(January 18, 2011) According to CNN, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office has indicated the House will vote on the bill to repeal Washington’s big health care law next week. Will Challenge Washington’s Health Care Reform(January 14, 2011) The House of Representatives has postponed the vote to repeal Washington’s big health care bill. But events are continuing to play out at the state level.’s-Health-Care-Reform.aspxFacebook Poll on Cost of Health Care Reform(January 12, 2011) This Politico article highlights the discrepancy between what Democrats in Washington believe about the cost of health care reform bill and what the American public believes. Not-So-Nice Reminder(January 11, 2011) This little blog post from Americans for Tax Reform is great milepost for the beginning of a new year. from Florida(January 10, 2011) Pam Bondi, the attorney general of Florida, wrote an interesting opinion piece that appeared in the Wall Street Journal. a Watch(December 28, 2010) There have been countless web videos on health care over the past year - many of them were made by the White House. But this one is worth watching again. Thousand Words(December 27, 2010) This single visual is one of the best arguments for repealing and replacing Washington’s health care reform that we’ve seen. Sign of Things to Come(December 23, 2010) HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently announced a plan that serves as a great example of the level of government intervention in health care. Elephant (and Donkey) in the Room(December 22, 2010) The recent elections, the debate over the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and myriad other factors have conspired to bring America’s economic future into sharp focus. Truth is Clear(December 20, 2010) declared the phrase “government takeover of health care” their “biggest lie of the year.” Read's rebuttal. Wrong Way to Reform Health Care(December 17, 2010) Twenty states gathered in a Florida courtroom recently to fight against the unconstitutionality of the health care law, but also Medicaid expansion. Hints He May Rule Against Health Law(December 16, 2010) The Attorney General of Florida, Bill McCollum, has an article in the Washington Post that does a nice job of addressing the Constitutional concerns around Washington’s health care reform law. Adult in the Room(December 15, 2010) Doug MacKinnon has an article worth reading in Investor’s Business Daily. It’s a simple, well-articulated plea for, not just sanity, but responsibility in Washington. Responds(December 14, 2010) Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius have an op-ed in today’s Washington Post entitled, “Health reform will survive its legal fight” Care Reform Headed to the Supreme Court(December 13, 2010) News just broke that a federal judge in Virginia has ruled that parts of Washington’s health care reform bill are unconstitutional. the Web and the Real World(December 9, 2010) If you haven’t seen an image like this one before, don’t worry. Your browser isn’t crashing again. Of The Land(December 8, 2010) Here’s a chart from, now part of Huffington Post, that tracks public opinion on the health care plan by averaging polls from a number of sources. Cloud That Speaks Volumes(December 7, 2010) If you haven’t seen a picture like the one above before, you might be confused. Don’t be. It’s pretty simple. it Snowe (and Collins)(December 6, 2010) Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins have signed onto a friend of the court brief in support of a lawsuit challenging the individual mandate of the health care law. Potent Reminder of the Challenges to Come(December 3, 2010) Like so many of the incoming House freshman, Republican Congressman-elect Andy Harris (MD-1) vowed to repeal Washington’s government takeover of health care. Crisis in Medicare(December 2, 2010) This article in this Friday morning’s Washington Post highlights the difficult situation Medicare providers find themselves in. Ideas in the Health Care Debate(December 1, 2010) The results of the mid-term elections have changed the debate on health care. We find ourselves moving from “if the health care bill will be changed” to asking “how will it happen?” Bells Continue to Ring(November 30, 2010) Sheila C Bair, Chairwoman of the FDIC, has an important Op-Ed in the Washington Post that you’ll want to read. Repeal and Replace Mandate(November 29, 2010) There isn’t much doubt that health care played a major role in the mid-term elections. But just how major of a role? America-Backed Candidates Elected to Congress(November 4, 2010) Demand for Repealing and Replacing Healthcare Reform Ushers in Sweeping Change Col Allen West Wins His Congressional Race(November 3, 2010) Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West defeated incumbent U.S. Rep. Ron Klein, D-Boca Raton, in a contentious battle to represent Florida's 22nd Congressional district. Pataki Appears on CNBC to Discuss Health Care Reform(November 3, 2010) Governor Pataki discusses the impact a Republican-controlled House would have on the markets, the economy and corporate America. Million Petition Signatures Collected(November 3, 2010) We did it! One million freedom-loving Americans have signed our petition to repeal and replace the Health Care Reform Bill because they believe in the sanctity of our precious freedom.! Director Cuts Ad Poking Fun at Boxer(November 1, 2010) The director of Airplane creates an ad poking fun at Boxer for ‘ma’am’ exchange with general!-Director-Cuts-Ad-Poking-Fun-at-Boxer.aspxObama Less Lofty as Rhetoric Shifts (November 1, 2010) It seems as though President Obama has changed his tune. Group Claims 1 Million Signatures on Repeal Petition(October 29, 2010) Revere America announces that they have received one million signatures for their petition to repeal and replace the healthcare reform bill. America Continues Pledge to Win Campaign with Massive Get-Out-the-Vote Effort(October 28, 2010) Signed petitions, mail, and phone calls to repeal, replace healthcare law are part of the effort. Candidates Pledge to Repeal and Replace Healthcare Law(October 27, 2010) A bipartisan group of candidates for Congress have joined House Minority Leader John Boehner in signing its pledge to Repeal and Replace the healthcare law. On The Trail(October 25, 2010) Former Governor George Pataki recently sat down with Capital Tonight to discuss the work of his organization Revere America. New York governor in town to stump for health care reform(October 22, 2010) Former Governor George Pataki visited Plattsburgh, New York, to warn individuals about the dangers of the Health Care Reform Bill. lawmaker hedging his bets on ObamaCare(October 22, 2010) Jim MacDougald, president of The Free Enterprise Nation, a non-partisan advocacy group, recently gave his opinion of Senator Judd Gregg’s (R-New Hampshire) opposition to repealing the Health Care Reform Bill. Governor Pataki to Endorse George Phillips in NY-22 House Race(October 21, 2010) Governor Pataki will endorse George Phillips, Republican candidate for Congress in New York’s 22nd district on Thursday, October 21. District in Motion Again(October 20, 2010) Former New York Governor George Pataki has targeted Democratic Rep. John Hal, who hails from Pataki’s home district, for his favor of the Health Care Reform Bill that was passed. America Targets NY-23 in New Ad(October 20, 2010) Television Ad Continues Gov. Pataki’s “Pledge to Win” Campaign - Revere Rides Again Tour Webisode 2(October 19, 2010) What do doctors think of the new healthcare bill? - Revere Rides Again Tour Webisode 1(October 19, 2010) See what tourists from the UK have to say about their healthcare system. N.Y. Races May Help G.O.P. Win House(October 19, 2010) Republican candidates in New York vying for Congressional seats are receiving help from conservative groups in the form of television advertisements. to Watch: Pennsylvania's 11th District: Paul Kanjorski vs. Lou Barletta(October 19, 2010) Pennsylvania’s 11th District race between Representative Paul Kanjorski and Mayor Lou Barletta is in its final stages, and both candidates are utilizing members of their own party in their campaigning efforts N.Y. governor campaigns for Barletta(October 16, 2010) Former New York Gov. George Pataki has been on the trail lending his voice for Congressional candidate Lou Barletta. Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour(October 18, 2010) Congressional candidate Lieutenant Colonel West speaking at the American Freedom Tour at the Revolution, Fort Lauderdale Florida. National Anthem by the Academy Choirs(October 15, 2010) Check out this moving rendition of our national anthem being sung by all four choirs of our military branches. Will The Expiring Bush Tax Cuts Affect You?(October 15, 2010) Find out which expiring tax cuts might cost you money if Congress doesn't extend them. Roundup: Healthcare in the News(October 15, 2010) The healthcare reform bill is all over the news. Stay up to date with the articles listed here. signs conservative pledge to repeal health reform law(October 14, 2010) As Revere America continues on its valiant mission to collect signatures to repeal the Health Care Reform Bill, the organization has received a very valuable signature. allows states' healthcare suit to proceed(October 14, 2010) A Florida judge ruled that the 20-state suit against the Health Care Reform Bill may proceed. Boehner Signs Revere America's Pledge to Repeal and Replace Healthcare Law(October 14, 2010) Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), the House Minority Leader and highest ranking Republican, has signed Revere America's pledge to Repeal and Replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) as soon as possible. GOP groups focus resources on unseating Shea-Porter(October 8, 2010) Conservative groups have been pouring money into television advertisements aimed at unseating some select Democrats. America Targets NH-2 in New Ad(October 6, 2010) Gov. Pataki Continues “Pledge to Win” Campaign - announces the launch of the next ad in a series targeted at Members of Congress who voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Coverage About Revere America Ads(October 5, 2010) The Revere America ad in New Hampshire’s second congressional district has been covered by the AP and The Concord Monitor. Bill Binnie Participate in a Live Debate(September 9, 2010) Bill Binnie will be participating in a live Senatorial debate tonight, September 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM EST. Group Targets Democrats Over Health Care Bill(September 8, 2010) Former New York Gov. George Pataki is targeting House Democrats who voted for the Obama health care overhaul, and is pledging that Revere America, his conservative organization, will shell out at least a million dollars on ads this election. by Pataki, Conservative Group Launches Campaign Ad(September 8, 2010) In an effort to repeal the Health Care Reform Bill, conservative group Revere America, formed by former New York Governor George Pataki, is spending money on ads targeted against Democratic supporters of the law he calls “a bad law”. AmericaTeam America the SwingerLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Reveres August 9(August 9, 2010) Today we drove from Richmond, VA to Charleston, SC. It was a grueling nine hour drive, but we finally made it! Reveres August 8(August 8, 2010) The Watermelon Festival in Richmond, VA definitely showed us a good time! The street was packed with people as far as the eye could see! Reveres August 7(August 7, 2010) With being on the road a full month now to gain support to repeal and replace the health care reform bill, we certainly enjoy every day of rest we can get. Reveres August 6(August 6, 2010) Today we say goodbye to David and hello to Eddie. David had to leave us a week early to make it home and get ready for college. Reveres August 5(August 5, 2010) Today we spent the majority of our time at the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Once we got there, we immediately noticed the relatively new (2004) WWII memorial and paid our respects to those who’ve paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Reveres August 4(August 4, 2010) There wasn’t a better place to spend some quality time with my brothers than Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. It brought back childhood memories walking around the city where Chris, Nick, and I were born. Reveres August 3(August 3, 2010) I love Philadelphia and its history. It’s home to Independence Hall, the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Reveres August 2(August 2, 2010) Today was a great day to catch-up and rest a bit. The drive from Long Pond, PA to Philadelphia topped out around three hours so we simply took the evening to relax and have dinner. Reveres August 1(August 1, 2010)We spent most of the day at the Pocono Raceway for the Pennsylvania 500. Before the race, we went around gathering some signatures on the Revere America Repeal and Replace the Health Care Reform Bill petitions. Reveres July 31(July 31, 2010) Today is my 21st birthday! This is a day I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time, but as much as I want to celebrate, I know there are more important tasks ahead. Reveres July 30(July 30, 2010) Another day on the road…This time it took us over eight hours to drive from Columbus to Long Pond, PA for the SUNOCO Red Cross Pennsylvania 500 race. Young Revere’sIs Health Care the Responsibility of Government or Individuals?’s.aspxVideos-The Young Reveres Interview 2The Young Reveres Tour–Even Steamer has something to say..sort of Young Reveres Interviews from the roadThe Young Reveres Interviews from the road Reveres July 28(July 28, 2010) Another driving day took us from Goshen, IN to Columbus, OH. While on the road, we stopped at Wendy’s. A guy standing behind me in line asked about Revere America. Young Reveres InterviewsIt starts with the car. Reveres July 27(July 27, 2010) We spent most of the day at the Elkhart County Fair in Goshen, Indiana. Being the second largest county fair in the country, it had everything from carnival rides to goats to funnel cakes! Reveres July 26(July 26, 2010) We were able to sleep in this morning and got some much needed rest. The drive to Goshen, Indiana was probably the most pleasant drive we’ve had thus far on our Revere Rides Again tour — with open roads and lots of corn fields. AUDIENCE: Speedway track is a land of opportunity for causes(July 26, 2010) Five young men known as “The Young Reveres” are hitting the pavement with one mission in mind: educating the American people on the perils of the Health Care Reform Bill. Rides Again Tour Gallery Rides Again Video Reveres July 23(July 23, 2010)Driving, driving, and more driving. Today was another travel day with nothing really happening. Revere Rides Again tour – featuring “The Young Reveres”(July 21, 2010) The Revere Rides Again tour, featuring “The Young Reveres” — four brothers from Orlando, Florida – has already hit the road in a Revere America wrapped Ford Mustang Convertible.“The-Young-Reveres”.aspxGovernor Pataki Announces “Revere Rides Again” Tour(July 21, 2010) Governor George Pataki, Chairman of Revere America, announced today that the organization has kicked-off a summer grassroots tour designed to collect signatures on its petition to repeal and replace the health care reform bill.“Revere-Rides-Again”-Tour.aspxYoung Reveres July 20(July 20, 2010) Today was purely a travel day. We finally got some well needed rest from walking around Boston the past two days. Reveres July 19(July 19, 2010)We spent most of today around the statue of Paul Revere in front of the Old North Church where he rode out 235 years ago warning the colonists about the upcoming British attack. Reveres July 18(July 18, 2010) Today we decided to go around Boston Commons for interviews. It’s nothing like Central Park, but definitely a great alternative for some relaxation from busy city life. Reveres July 17(July 17, 2010) Revere, MA is a busy beach town with a diverse cultural background, and actually the first public beach in the United States. The first person we met was a union plumber from Massachusetts. Reveres July 16(July 16, 2010)Yarmouth’s Clam Festival was pretty cool. It’s filled with a ton of craft and food stands and it was a blast to walk around. Matt at one point found a place to sit down, not noticing the sign that said, “Only 65 and older resting area” so naturally, we took a video. Reveres July 15(July 15, 2010) Today we went to Portland, a really cool artsy city. Being our first time taking to the streets to find interviews, we were all a little new to it. Within minutes, we had our first interview and from there it just got easier. Reveres July 14(July 14, 2010)I will admit I was a bit nervous heading into our first event, The Republican Candidate Congressional Forum, in Sandown, New Hampshire. Health Care Reform Bill and its Impact on Doctors(June 22, 2010) In March, the president signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) into law, and then the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act a week later, which made certain changes to the first act. America On Fox(June 16, 2010) Revere America On Fox - watch this video Urges U.S. Senate to Reject Dr. Donald Berwick’s Nomination(June 15, 2010) In a letter sent today to United States Senators, Governor George Pataki, Chairman of Revere America, called on the Senate to oppose Dr. Donald M. Berwick’s nomination as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.’s-Nomination.aspxGovernor George Pataki Challenges Senator Tom Daschle to Debate Health Care Bill(June 15, 2010) “Recent press reports indicate that you are co-chairing what appears to be a well funded, albeit desperate, effort by Washington’s liberal establishment..." Backs McCollum’s Suit Against Obama Health Plan(June 9, 2010) Former New York Governor George Pataki, leader of the conservative group Revere America, has backed Attorney General Bill McCollum’s lawsuit against the federal government for the new Health Care Reform Bill.’s-Suit-Against-Obama-Health-Plan.aspxRevere America Collects 125,000 Signatures on Petition to Repeal and Replace Health Care Bill in Jus(June 8, 2010) Governor George Pataki, Chairman of Revere America, announced today that the organization has collected more than 125,000 signatures from Americans in all 50 states who want to repeal and replace the health care reform bill. reassessing health care model(June 5, 2010) Monday’s headline from Reuters — “Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model” — is a warning. Release 63% of Likely Voters Want Health Care Bill Repealed(May 26, 2010) With a new poll by Rasmussen showing that 63% of likely voters want to repeal the health care reform bill, the American people have an unparalleled opportunity to make their voices heard by signing Revere America’s national petition to repeal and replace the government takeover of healthcare. Care Law 63% Favor Repeal of National Health Care Plan(May 26, 2010) According to a recent Rasmussen Report, 63 percent of voters favor the repeal of the Health Care Reform Bill, and 46 percent say the repeal is likely. petition signer(May 24, 2010) Former New York Governor George Pataki spoke at an Orange County rally recently to urge Californians to support the repeal of the Health Care Reform Bill. reform means more paperwork for small biz(May 22, 2010) Deep within the Health Care Reform Bill is the measure that requires you to issue loads of 1099s. Care Reform Creates New Boards, Advisory Panels and Commissions(May 22, 2010) Among the comprehensive changes impacting health care providers, employers, and individuals is the creation of several new advisory boards and panels. care reform riding away?(May 21, 2010) Many like-minded conservatives are channeling their inner Paul Revere as they attempt to persuade politicians to repeal the Health Care Reform Bill. NY Gov. Pataki visits Denver to blast health care reform bill(May 21, 2010) Former New York Gov. George Pataki made a trip out to Colorado to speak about Revere America, his organization designed to awaken Americans to the perils and downfalls of the Health Care Reform Bill. calls for repeal of health care law(May 20, 2010) Former New York Governor George Pataki made a stop in Orange County, California, on his way through a 50-state tour in an effort to collect 1 million signatures in favor of repealing the Health Care Reform Bill. Doctors opting out of Medicare(May 20, 2010) Texas doctors are opting out of Medicare at alarming rates, frustrated by reimbursement cuts they say make participation in government-funded care of seniors unaffordable. reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency rooms(May 20, 2010) Experts on healthcare facilities predict that the new Health Care Reform Bill will force 32 million newly insured people into emergency rooms already filled past capacity. Hidden Taxes of the Health Care Reform Bill(May 20, 2010) Individuals must pay a yearly tax penalty of $695 or up to 2.5% of their annual income if they cannot prove they have purchased a government-approved health care policy. Shortage ALREADY Happening(April 26, 2010) The new Health Care Reform Bill has raised the stakes for hospitals and schools already trying to figure out how they will train more doctors…and quickly. speciality hospitals are first to fall victim to the health care reform bill(April 26, 2010) Big community hospitals were in full support of the president’s Health Care Reform Bill. action against the Health Care Reform Bill begins(April 26, 2010) More states join the suit against the president’s Health Care Reform Bill. says health care will cover more, cost more(April 26, 2010) The president’s Health Care Reform Bill is subject to mixed reviews in the first comprehensive examination by neutral experts. can’t you buy health insurance across state lines?(April 26, 2010) South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, was recently asked where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to regulate the delivery of health care.’t-you-buy-health-insurance-across-state-lines-.aspxPataki assails Reid’s ‘corrupt’ health care deals(April 24, 2010) On his nationwide campaign to raise support for repealing the Health Care Reform Bill, former New York Governor George Pataki recently spoke against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and his support of the law, in a rally in Reno, Nevada.’s-‘corrupt’-health-care-deals.aspxGovernor George Pataki Announces Formation of Revere America(April 15, 2010) Former Governor George Pataki (R-NY) announced today the formation of Revere America — a new organization dedicated to advancing common sense public policies rooted in freedom and free markets. America Announces First Stops of National Grassroots Tour(April 24, 2010) Governor George Pataki Kicks off National Petition Drive to Repeal and Replace the Health Care Reform Bill with Six State Swing