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October 28, 2010Congressional Candidates Pledge to Repeal and Replace Healthcare Law

Effort Gains Support from Republicans, Democrats and Independents
Washington, D.C.- Revere America today announced that a bipartisan group of candidates for Congress have joined House Minority Leader John Boehner in signing its pledge to Repeal and Replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

The pledge, which was sent to all incumbents and Congressional candidates, reads: “I pledge, that if elected to serve the people of (state, district) I will vote to repeal Public Law 111-152 and  Public Law 111-148 and work toward enacting responsible health care reform.”

“We are pleased that a range of candidates are getting aboard the Repeal and Replace movement,” said former Gov. George Pataki, Chairman of Revere America.  “We are counting on the new Members of the 111th Congress to step up and undo the damage done by the last Congress.  Revere America is receiving signed pledges every day.”

Republicans: Rep. John Boehner(OH-8), Rep. Elton Gallegly (CA-24), Wayne Miller (CA-34), Scott Folkens (CA-43), Rep. Mary Bono Mack (CA-45), Tim Huelskamp (KS-1), Frank Guinta (NH-1), Charles Bass (NH-2), Randolph Altschuler (NY-1), John Gomez (NY-2), Kenneth Reynolds (NY-7), Diana Muniz (NY-10), Michael Grimm (NY-13), Nan Hayworth (NY-19), Chris Gibson (NY-20), Leonard Roberto (NY-27), James Graham (OH-17), Bob Gibbs (OH-18), Jim Gerlack (PA-6), Carson Adcock (PA-13), and David Argall (PA-17), Steve Southerland (FL-2), Teri Newman (IL-12), Tim Walberg (MI-7), Jacob Turk ( MO-5), Bob Latta (OH-5), Robert Hurt (VA- 5), Chad Lee (WI-2), David McKinley (WV-1)

Democrats: David Hancock (TN-2)

Independents and other Parties: Floyd Bayne (VA-7), Robert Raymond (WI-5), Gary Kauther (WI-7), Mickey Higgins (AR-1), David Nolan (AZ-US Senate), Nicole Patti (AZ-1), Mark Lambert (CA-42), Joe Cantrell (FL-1), Dianne Berryhill (FL- 2), Rodger Jennings (IL-12), William Lang (LA-US Senate), Richard Shawver (MD-US Senate), Richard Davis (MD-1), Steven Wilson (MN-1), Lon Cecil (NC-12), Jonathan Hansen (NV-1), Travis Irvine (OH-12), Lindsey Sutton (OH-18), Richard Cadle (OH-6), Marc Delphine (OR-US Senate), Michael Idrogo (TX-20), James Strohm (TX-21),  Mark Boler (TX-26), Jim Prindle (TX-4), Robert Taylor (WI- US Senate)

Revere America has launched a “Pledge to Win Campaign,” which includes a get out the vote mailing in key districts, automated calls by Gov. Pataki and television ads.  Governor Pataki has toured Congressional districts around the country in  which  Members voted for the healthcare law.

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SDELUCIA at November 04, 2010 02:07 PM
[email protected] at November 03, 2010 06:54 PM
I will hold their feet to the fire on this.
[email protected] at November 03, 2010 06:45 AM
Has John Carter of Texas not signed?
[email protected] at October 31, 2010 09:25 PM
i'm against the obama healthcare bill. it should be repealed
fomocomike at October 30, 2010 05:48 PM
Why don't you republicans crawl back into the hole you crawled out off and leave the health care bill alone. The silent people will have our say Nov 2nd. You just think you're going to control the house
calcudos at October 30, 2010 03:25 PM
Repealing it is very hard due to veto. We can defund it and let it die until 2012
Lorraine Visconti at October 30, 2010 08:31 AM
I pray the country will remain a constitutional Republic.
epanks at October 30, 2010 08:02 AM
Here in Michigan a massive change is nessasary. The Unions have dictated this state and there party. What has there party done. Put them out of work. 80% of auto jobs have left or are Robotic. 8 years of this Pooo. Let's aas the People make the Change thats need to bring our state back. Thank you Revere America for your Directional Help.
gogetter at October 29, 2010 04:07 PM
It's about time the adults stepped up & started to take charge! Republicans/Conservatives, you get one chance. You go to Washington
reload at October 29, 2010 03:45 PM
If the candidates are so worried about the national debt , then why don't they take "NO PAY" if they are elected.They make money in their private sectors. So why have the AMERICAN PEOPLE pay their over payed wages while in office?
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 03:03 PM
THANK YOU! Thank you for sticking up for people like me. Keep up the good work.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 01:43 PM
Congratulations Governor! And also to all those who've seen the wrath of America and GOD peeking through their front doors! Is good to follow the lead of the people who fear God. WE understand that if we DON"T fear God and follow His lead there will be HELL to pay!! Freedom is NOT free! GOD BLESS AMERICA.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 01:42 PM
It seems to me with the lack of signatures, except for those in Congress, most people seem to like it especially well. I know for starters, it certainly addressed the situation and had some sensible answers. I also learned from yesterday, NO ONE WHO IS ELECTED ever gets it right the first 4 years. So give him time and another shot at it before you cut him down.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 12:28 PM
Please fight for Americas future.I am an RN and a member of a coalition,including MDs,RNs,etc, begun@ Mt Sinai Hospital. We gathered 2ooo plus signatures to repeal the healthcare bill and sent them off to Washington.We didnt even receive an acknowledgement!! What is happening to our country?I hope it isnt beyond repair!!
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 11:04 AM
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 10:29 AM
Keep pushing this effort. We cannot afford Obamacare. The health of the nation depends upon the repeal of the health care law.
Joseph B.Bellon III at October 29, 2010 10:14 AM
I hope that the voters in this country will vote to take this country back
carol at October 29, 2010 10:13 AM
My grandfather was second signer of the declaration of Independence, first governor of the state of New Hampshire.We came over on the MAYFLOWER. We need congressional people and other elected persons that are NOT ATTORNEYS. THEY ARE DESTROYING AMERICA. My grandfather was a doctor- helping people.I personally feel we have no government. I worked non stop for elected officials to get them in to office. Only to be hurt non stop. EXAMPLE BRIAN X FOLEY, New York State Senator. While he was in Brookhaven ,NY town government I went to a town meeting that he knew I would be there, and showed up late and allowed me to Speak at 12.10 AM, I was the first one in the room at 7 PM.I was sued by the Brookhaven Legal dept. under Foley for a Pool and wood chip. The inspector lied under oath and FOLEY did nothing to help. WHY VOTE OR ASSIST they only lie and forget your name. I'm 57 and have been helping in campaigns since I was in 7th grade.Have always voted and so do my children. I'm all AMERICAN, but
Maxine Born at October 29, 2010 10:13 AM
I want to repeal the healthcare Law.I am out of work and can 't afford health Insurance.
Dorothee at October 29, 2010 09:44 AM
Very interesting and beneficial information for the (myself, of course) American voting citizen to view! Thank you.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 09:01 AM
To incumbents-repeal Obamacare or start looking for a new job
Josie at October 29, 2010 08:23 AM
This is the most poorly crafted piece of legislation ever enacted by our government. It was done in haste because they didn't want the people to know what was in it. ("We have to pass it so we can read it"...Pelosi) Well, we aren't going to stand for such a shoddy bill. We don't like to be FORCED to do things. We are losing our freedoms left and right under Obama.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 08:08 AM
We think this organization should have as a repeal and replacement goal a healthcare law that applies to all government employees including Congressmen and those in the executive branch. Existing union contracts should be honored, but new contracts negotiated in compliance with this goal. Additional "Cadillac Plan" provisions would be available only at personal, not taxpayer, expense.
pate181 at October 29, 2010 07:17 AM
The PPACA is one of the most atrocious acts ever perpetuated upon the citizens of this country.....God speed!
LarryK at October 29, 2010 07:08 AM
I see we have some politicians in Minnesota we have to vote out of office. They don't seem to care about what their constituents want.
mrs.maff at October 29, 2010 07:01 AM
I know you are concerned about not being able to do this,that's why we need to get the balance of both houses back so we can have a two thirds majority to overide Baracks vetos,by the way has he ever proved his citizenship & is he really our President? I don't think so, he supports Mexico more than the USA,let him be their President.We need to charge him with treason.
VirGinia Fleming at October 29, 2010 06:52 AM
The Healthcare law must be repealed for the sake of the USA.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 06:31 AM
i'm against president obama's health plan and want it repealed
Vicki at October 29, 2010 06:01 AM
We need to ge everyone out of the white House before they put usinto more debt and wars.
cclousing at October 29, 2010 06:00 AM
The health car bill as is no good and needs to be Repealed
Robert Bigelow at October 29, 2010 05:26 AM
I strongly support your efforts. This act needs to be repealed and overhauled.
David Brenton at October 29, 2010 05:19 AM
I dont see Delaware represented here? Where is Glen Urqhart?
mv at October 29, 2010 05:19 AM
why redo the whole healthcare system at once, we cant afford it. do little by little and replace what doesnt work good. also, people who are on masshealth should be charged a fee of $5.00 copay per every dr visit since they seem to be able to afford cigarretts, alcohol, lottery tickets and other things that are NOT necessary. it would bring in a lot of needed revenue. people on masshealth dont really know how good they have it. i know a couple of people who are on it and they make out good. they get drs they want and maybe dont need and their med copays dont even exceed $5 per script. i believe they can afford a $5 copay. i know other people who pay for their healthcare and dont get the level of care that people on masshealth do and their copays are up to $40 for one script! its insane and government SHOULD NOT be in our healthcare.
[email protected] at October 29, 2010 04:50 AM
Stop socialism now!
Al Capri at October 29, 2010 04:39 AM
Start over!
patriciaglea at October 29, 2010 02:51 AM
Don't comment until you inform yourself of everything it entails.At this point our Founding Fathers are much smarter than these "replace and repair" people. It doesn't help if your replacements are worse than those currently in office. Research and make sure you replace with improvements or re-elect the incumbents. And the Health Reform Bill DOES INDEED speak for those who can't speak for ourselves. We don't have wads of money pouring out of our pockets. But be sure to inform yourself and vote. Intellegently. Democracy isn't a spectator sport. It's up to you to pull America together and progress.
Joe at October 29, 2010 12:31 AM
1 miliion as opposed to the billion or so who want it
sdtrekker at October 28, 2010 10:31 PM
Hopefully all these people who pledge to repeal the current PPACA have at least actually read the thing. I'm getting tired of politicians who don't bother to read what they are voting for or against, just have some lackey tell them what THEY think it says. Less Partying and trying to collect favors and more work for the pay thank you.
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 09:34 PM
This needs to be done. Thank you for all the effort you are putting into this.
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 09:20 PM
I pray that every single state files suit to contest obamacare, along with every other "law" or bill passed that is unconstitutional or has not been read by members of congress before they vote on it.
richard cloud at October 28, 2010 09:20 PM
Get Greg Walden from Oregon to sign this pledge.
Play2K at October 28, 2010 08:50 PM
Repeal is an absolute necessity. Anything less is dereliction of duty. It passed with the help of candidates who placed in amidst accusations of massive voter fraud, such as Franken. It passed with a "move it forward" sub-majority in the Senate, taking it back to the House where it was again passed back on the stipulation that it would be altered with follow up legislation in order to get around the legitimate process of passing legislation. It's trash. It is also 3000 pages that unelected people wrote, toyed with behind locked doors and only saw the light of day in the pre-dawn hours on the eve it was voted on (Xmas eve), It is trash. Nobody will fess up to having read it, it is that bad! It is trash. It does not address quality, quantity, savings, choice or anything else that has legitimate value regarding HEALTHCARE. It is TRASH. It is designed to reset all manner of legal precedence when "tested" in courts, which is it's true design - h
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 08:42 PM
Repeal ObamaCare!!!
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 08:01 PM
kill the healthcare law--
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 07:41 PM
I believe that we should put Congress: the House, the Senaate and all retired members of the House and the Senate on Medicare. I believe they would fix that goofy law that passed in 2009 and they would fix Medicare too. Government can not solve all of mans' problems and we need to stop expecting solutions for all of our problems.
Susan F. Yoder at October 28, 2010 07:07 PM
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 06:46 PM
Thank you...these names are so helpful!
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 06:30 PM
Please fight hard to repeal the health care reform bill.I am a RN and we also sent a signed petition to Wash. with 2016 healthcare providers signatures.You know,we never even received an acknowledgement of receipt!!!!!We do need reform.But it must be thought out and transparant.When we actually read about all the taxation,etc,sneaked in the bill we felt like our country was foreign to us.The mandates,IRS involvement,penalties.......Big Brother has arrived!!!I could go on and on.And believe me ,prior to this administration most of us were nit politically inclined.We all were entrenched in the medical world.God help our children!
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 06:22 PM
I really think they should ALL sign a pledge to take a pay the rest of us. Now that would be impressive.
roger at October 28, 2010 06:16 PM
Any Congressman who does NOT vote to repeal the Health Care Act "SHOULDN'T be in Congress anyway.
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 06:10 PM
What about Jerry Lewis? Has he pledged?
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 06:00 PM
I am for a change if Obama Care. I do not like the Rep. wanting to Privatize Social Security. Make cuts in Medicare is this Rep death consel. I alway heard the government always looking for ways to kill old people off. Is this a way to make their pay check bigger. How about stopping the wars and bring our men a women home from harms way. Stop old mens games to kill young soliders off
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 05:51 PM
I am for the candidate but I am a senior I do not want them to privitize social securty or make my medicare where I can not afford to get medical help when I need it I always heard the govenment would like all seniors to die. Is it because they want more pay increases. That goes for Dem. or Rep. How about careing for all American people. Save money by getting our military home from Afaganstan fighting old men games to kill the young men and women off.
A,N.Perman at October 28, 2010 05:47 PM
Where is Rep. Scott Garrett, N.J. on this Obama-care, bill, If he is against it I'Il vote for him If not no way.I want to see This bill repealed.It is much too expensive and people don't want to be forced to buy health insurance.Even thought i do have it on my own. It is agaisnst the laws of the land- No where in the Constitution does it say you have to buy something and be penallized if you don't.It is a very bad bill.
Harkinger at October 28, 2010 05:46 PM
Obamacare, left to survive will destroy America's freedoms that our Founders sought, and left fo us to sustain. Improving upon orld's finest healthcare system can be accomplished bi-particanly. This unilateral Obamacare-Ramrod was a learning experience of how NOT to legislate. should become the exchange-point for good ideas to right this wrong ASAP. Do it Right, before the existing HHS toxicity can take root.
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 05:42 PM
I want every Republican and whatever democrat you can get on board to sign the pledge. The government has absolutely no right to interfere with our healthcare. We have the best! That is one of the most personal rights we have as US citizens and as human beings!
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 05:41 PM
Thank you for your work - we (husband and I ) too old now to be active (and too broke) but glad so many patriots are fighting!
jerryrayw at October 28, 2010 05:36 PM
I dont trust any of them. All incumbents need to go.
jchayseed at October 28, 2010 05:34 PM
I would like James Quigley (L-VA3) to sign this pledge. I know he is for repealing all big government takeovers of the economic engine of America and that is why I am supporting him over Robert (Bobby) Scott, and the others in Va.'s 3rd on Tuesday November 2nd. I trust James Quigley to do what he says;trust and the truth is what we need now in our government more than ever.
gjmichael at October 28, 2010 05:31 PM
I am with you all the way! Thank you for your efforts. Gloria Michael
[email protected] at October 28, 2010 05:29 PM
Maggie at October 28, 2010 05:13 PM
I expect to see the representatives of the great state of North Carolina sign this pledge to appeal this overreaching and invasive law. Many thanks to those who have already signed it.
eppie at October 28, 2010 05:04 PM
Yay! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
senator at October 28, 2010 05:01 PM
With all due respect, while I support one hundred percent the repeal of the recently passed health care legislation, I have no interest whatsoever in "replacing" said legislation. On the contrary, I would respectfully submit that the best and most expeditious route for Americans to achieve their health care goals would be a one hundred eighty degree reversal with the repeal of additional legislation collectively referred to as "managed care". While, historically, Americans were able to seek out, negotiate for, and obtain health care services in the private sector prior to "managed care", there were abuses and prices did fluctuate greatly (which inspired insurers to propose managed care). However, I believe that if the Federal government did it's job - namely enforced the existing laws against the small percentage of health care practitioners who violate the law or "game the system" that a free market solution, with neither insurance carriers n